Saturday, September 8, 2012

Animal Masks

Project 1: Paper plate and felt animal masks  

I love making masks, it provides a simple means to become something so wholly and completely different from who you normally are. Who wouldn't want to make the face of one of their favorite cuddly creatures. I opted to making a koala, but I presented it to the class as an opportunity to make whichever animal they pleased.
The Supplies:
Paper Plates
Cotton Balls
Pipe Cleaners (Not Shown)
Elastic band

1. Cut the paper plate to its desired shape, eyes and what not, using extra plates if ears or other appendages are needed.
2. Apply tacky glue to the paper plate
3. Stretch the felt over the paper plate so it covers the entire mask.
4. Cut around your mask, and eye holes to get rid of excess fabric
5. Embellish. Add a nose, whiskers, eyelashes, spots, stripes, the possibilities are endless.
6. Stable the elastic to each side of the mask and put it on! Pin It

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Farts make kids laugh...

I am lucky, my job allows me to create art, and then show this art to children, and in turn they are able to create art. When so many schools are having to cut the arts from their curriculum, there is a void in the lives of children. That void is this need to get messy, make something uniquely their own, where there is no right or wrong, to simply express themselves in an artistic manner. My library provides this outlet, and I am the one who gets to see the proud beaming faces of these youngsters and their art. 
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